Have you ever listened to the same song before and after wine? Why is it that after two glasses of wine, you realize the profound nature of “Achy Breaky Heart”? A song’s emotions can mingle with wine’s ability to make you happy, sad, nostalgic, and creative, and the music improves.
With wine, the good company gets better, and the bad company gets better; you cannot lose. Wine allows for bores at parties: when someone starts to babble on, you can say, “be right back; I need another glass of this.” Wine is for sharing: the famous wine quote around Champagne, “Come quickly, I am tasting the stars,” implies the shared experience of something alluring and delicious. It brings people together: even board games with wine are great!
Professor of neuro-psycho-pharmacology David Nutt conducted a study at Imperial College London that recorded the number of drinks consumed by people playing an Xbox dancing game that measures the accuracy of mimicking dance moves. The Xbox scores showed the non-drinking average score of 4400 points; by the time all 55 participants were 6 drinks deep, the score rose to 6200! The study at Imperial College London concluded alcohol takes away social anxiety, and one bottle, about 6 drinks, significantly improved dancing quality, but after more than 6 drinks, things went south quickly.

Emotions surveyed over 1,000 people in the U.S. to understand how alcohol makes them feel. It turns out wine makes men and women happy, sad, nostalgic, and creative, depending on their moods. With its unique properties, I conclude wine is superior to other forms of alcohol, allowing feelings to surface and expressiveness to flourish. Also, wine’s alcohol triggers the release of endorphins, chemicals that produce a feel-good response of pleasure in certain areas of the brain.
I’ve seen this in action. The urban dictionary defines wine-cry as a noun meaning exaggerated emotive sobbing after three or more glasses of wine over any subject, including lost love, wasted youth, an unrequited crush, family dysfunction, or any topic covered on the Lifetime network. Example: “I don’t know what happened. One minute we’re talking about our outfits, and the next minute she’s wine-crying over that loser she used to date.” from Housewives of Beverly Hills.

Food is better with wine, say no more.
As it is referred to, the French Paradox is based on data of the French population, showing they have a lower number of heart and vacillatory issues than Americans while eating more fat. This was initially attributed to red wine consumption. It’s now understood that red wine’s alcohol and better fat types, naturally saturated fats, are probably the beneficial factors responsible for the French Paradox. The healthful Mediterranean Diet, like the French diet, includes red wine in moderation. Other components of Mediterranean countries’ diet must be considered: wine consumption slows down food intake, small portions are more enjoyable, and sitting down and eating mindfully increases the pleasure of eating less with satisfaction.

Health is better with wine
Mineral salts are naturally occurring inorganic substances that are extracted from below the ground surface. Picked up by the vines’ roots as they extend deep into the soil for moisture. Wine contains mineral salts: potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), and copper (Cu). The most abundant is potassium, a key mineral that the body relies on heavily to function properly and helps lower blood pressure by balancing out the negative effects of salt.
Health – Resveratrol
Studies show high doses of resveratrol have been linked to longevity and cancer prevention. You may already consume a fair amount of resveratrol since it’s found in peanuts, pistachios, grapes, red and white wine, blueberries, cranberries, cocoa, and dark chocolate. These plants make resveratrol to fight fungal infection, ultraviolet radiation, stress, and injury. Wines, particularly red wines, are a source of resveratrol.
Health – Polyphenols
Micro-nutrients that we get through certain plant-based foods are called polyphenols. They’re loaded with healthful antioxidants. It’s believed polyphenols improve digestion issues, weight management challenges, diabetes, neurodegenerative disease, and heart / vascular diseases. Other research indicates that red wine polyphenols reduce malondialdehyde absorption, which is implicated in elevating LDL levels, and bad cholesterol and preventing arteriosclerosis.
Pass it on
Wine improves almost everything.
I don’t think it is an accident that biblical events almost always included wine. Very informative content.
Our Lord did not turn water into good beer.
Harry, loving your work, keep writing. Your website is ready simply laid out also, which is what I love.
I wrote a few blog posts when I arrived in France back in September 2018.
Look forward to chatting with you across the platforms that allow us to.
Steph Eyles
Rhone Girl
Thanks for the encouragement, writing is work as you know! Thank you for the link to your blogs, I will read every word. Please post pictures as time permits!